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News Detail

Ras Al Khaimah Customs meeting with Ras Al Khaimah Ports Authority

Ras Al Khaimah Customs convened a coordination meeting with Ras Al Khaimah Ports Authority to explore ways of joint cooperation and coordination and enhance the strategic partnership between the two authorities.

The meeting was focused on supporting the overall security system, facilitating trade and strengthening of the Emirate's regional and global position on the trade map.
Mr. Marwan Mohammed Darabini, the Assistant to the Director General for Customs Operations, and Mr. Roy Anthony Cummins, the Chief Executive Officer of Ras Al Khaimah Ports Authority, took part in the meeting alongside a number of leaderships from both entities.
The two sides looked at the key future projects between both of them in support of trade facilitation and provision of streamlined transport operations which will be achievable through reinforced controlling at customs centers in accordance with the security controls widely approved in customs work.
The importance of working on linking the two authorities electronically to minimize the time taken in customs clearance was also addressed during the meeting.
Additionally, the meeting proposed a range of incentives to facilitate trade, enhance the supply chain and promote more efficient flow of goods and products into the local markets through the seaports of the Emirate.

10 February 2024

Contact with Rak Customs General Manager